Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Spring Break: Continental Shelf - Day 15 - Winding Down

Sorry about the lack of updates yesterday.  There were two deck tows and all the rest were huge hauls as well.  All I wanted to do after my shift was sleep. 

Also, the last North Carolina station was towed at the beginning of my shift yesterday, which means I've lavaged every dogfish I'm going to get for this cruise.  Now it's time to take stock of the data I've collected, enjoy being a normal volunteer crew member, and catch up on school work (internet access at sea is a double-edged sword).  I've also gotten copies of the raw data from the tows, so I'm already taking a preliminary look at any trends that might be popping up.

So while I relentlessly copy down data, enjoy this picture of the spiny dogfish's jaws of death.


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